Regular servicing and maintenance is crucial when it comes to your home boiler. Proper boiler maintenance not only helps to keep it functioning at optimum efficiency but also ensures that it will work for longer. Here are some important steps you need to take to keep your boiler in great condition. 


Schedule Annual Boiler Service

In the same way annual car servicing is crucial in ensuring that your car runs better and for longer, so is annual boiler service. What’s more, annual boiler servicing is an important requirement in most boiler warranties. During the servicing session, make sure to bring to attention issues like leaks, strange noises, or any other problems when the boiler is in use. This helps to identify issues early before they develop into more expensive and extensive problems. 

Closely Monitor the Pressure if You Have a Sealed System 

With time, boilers start to slowly lose pressure. Make a habit of regularly checking the pressure. The appropriate pressure reading should be between the 1 and 1.5 bar. Consider topping up the water in your system when the reading gets lower than 1 bar. Check the manufacturer’s manual to find out how to do this. 

Keep the Boiler ventilated if Required by the Manufacturer

Heating System

In modern setups, boilers are often tucked in compact spaces or hidden away. Issues often arise when other items are stored close to the boiler. Since certain types of boilers require vents, hindering airflow to them can starve the unit of oxygen causing it to lose efficiency. It can even lead to damage or make the unit unsafe to use. 

Regularly Run the Heating System

Unsurprisingly, many people only use the heating system during the winter months. They almost completely forget about it during the warmer season. The problem is that when a boiler is left unused for extended periods, it can eventually seize up or completely fail. To prevent this from happening, remember to run the heating system every month for at least 20-30 minutes. 

Inspect Your Boiler Regularly

Check the boiler unit for any signs of damage including strange noises, rust or cracks, or leaks. Also, note down any error codes the unit displays. In some units, you can visually inspect the flame of the boiler. It is in any other color rather than blue, avoid using it and have it inspected as soon as possible. If you have experienced any of these issues, make sure to get in touch with a Gas Safe Registered engineer to inspect the boiler.

Bleeding a radiator

Taking good care of your radiators ensures that your boiler continues working efficiently. With time, radiators start to get air into the system. A good sign of this is a cold patch at the top of a warm radiator or warm radiator that doesn’t get as hot as it normally did. Resolving this issue involves bleeding the radiators. Corgihomeplan shows you how.

The system can also have a build-up of sludge at the bottom of the radiators leading to boiler damage. To help resolve this, you need to flush your system. 

Select a Gas Safe Registered EngineerWhether your boiler is not performing as well as it used to or is in need of service, you need to make sure that the issue is addressed by Gas Safe Registered Engineers. This is one area of home maintenance that you can’t skimp on as it can end up costing you a lot more in the long run. Issues with the boiler can lead to the release of harmful gas that can’t be seen or smelt. It is a smart idea to install carbon monoxide detectors in your home to help identify such an issue early enough.

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By Maelyn

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