Girls Gone Wild (GGW) is an adult entertainment franchise created by Joe Francis in 1997, who occasionally appears as the host of the videos.

Girls Gone Wild was known for its early use of direct-response marketing techniques, including its late-night infomercials that began airing in 1997.
The videos typically involve camera crews at party locations engaging young college-aged women who expose their bodies or act “wild”, especially during Spring break.

Since 2008, the Girls Gone Wild products have been sold primarily through their website as streaming videosdownloads, and DVDs.

In 2014, the company was sold to Bang Bros.

Joe Francis is headed to prison for the second time. May he rot there. The founder of Girls Gone Wild was convicted Monday on misdemeanor charges of assault and false imprisonment.




An influencer is someone in your niche or industry with sway over your target audience.

Influencers have specialized knowledge, authority or insight into a specific subject. Their pre-existing presence in a niche makes them a useful launching pad for brands in search of credibility. 85% of marketers engaged in influencer marketing in 2017 and 92% said their campaigns were effective.

An influencer assists companies in “influencer marketing,” a form of advertising that builds brand authority on the back of another person’s reputation.


Influencers have a long history in marketing. Initially, companies used compelling figures like celebrities and athletes to help sell their products through television and radio ads. The rise of social media has made other types of influencer more popular. Today, influencers fit into the following categories:

  • CelebritiesArtistsathletes, and pop culture stars.
  • Industry experts and thought leaders
  • Micro-influencers: Individuals with impact on social media
  • Bloggers and content creators

The bulk of influencer marketing today occurs in social media. Micro-influencers and bloggers are a more cost-effective way to access instant credibility for growing brands.

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By Maelyn

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