Putin ‘running scared of assassination’ after Russia’s defeat in Kherson


Vladimir Putin is scared of being assassinated after Russia was forced to withdraw from the occupied city of Kherson, it has been claimed.

The Kremlin leader reportedly believes he faces threats from both the west and pro-war supporters in Moscow who are angry at his continuous defeats.

Political analyst Sergey Markov said Putin’s decision not to travel to Bali for the upcoming G20 summit is because he is worried his enemies will make an attempt on his life.

‘The reasons as to why Putin is not going to G20 are serious,’ he said. ‘There is a big possibility of an assassination attempt on Putin from the special services of the US, Britain and Ukraine.

A possibility of humiliating situations. For example, some disabled social activist knocks Putin down – as if accidentally – and all world media splash a picture with a caption “president of Russia is down on all fours”.

‘I am certain this kind of situation is being planned by some completely mad Westerners.

‘After defeat in Kherson, Russia’s status as a great state is questionable. They will be putting pressure on, and demand soft capitulation.’

Markov is among the many prominent voices to lambast the regime over the latest military setback.

‘We have got to be tougher,’ he said.

State TV war correspondent Anastasia Kashevarova – a loyalist speaker of the Russian parliament – raged at ‘who and why’ troops in Kherson surrendered.

She said: ‘We bit a huge bite, couldn’t swallow it and are burping it back now. We burped out Izyum, Balakleya, Liman. What was the great plan?’

Sergey Mardan, war analyst for Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, said about the withdrawal: ‘It is hard, difficult and bitter, I want to say a lot of sharp words, but it won’t help.’

Russian military orders retreat from Kherson

Meanwhile, a man was detained outside the Kremlin for holding up a poster declaring: ‘Traitors. You f***ed it all up.’

Russia’s order to pull its soldiers out of Kherson has been hailed as a potential turning point in the eight-month war.

The port city was the only regional capital Moscow had captured since its invasion in February.

Defence minister Sergei Shoigu made the announcement following weeks of Ukrainian advances towards them.

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By Daisy

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