Love Island fans are convinced that Luca only apologised to Tasha after producers forced him to, but a body language expert claims he may have had another motive

Luca Bish was once the favourite to win Love Island, but accusations of bullying have seen his star power plummet.

Fans believe he and best friend Dami Hope ‘bullied’ model Tasha Ghouri in the snog, marry or pie challenge, with both choosing her and making ‘nasty’ remarks.

Tasha broke down after being pied four times, and boyfriend Andrew Le Page and pal Paige Thorne agreeing that the boys had taken things too far.

Opening up about her feelings, Tasha said she had been expecting the pies from Dami and Luca, but not such a personal attack.

“It’s the reasons after they gave, that was nasty,” she said.

“When they are going deep in and personal attack on me, it’s a completely different story,” she said, referencing her own decision to pie fishmonger Luca.

And fans were furious. “What Luca and Dami are doing to Tasha is straight up bullying! Constantly pick on and at her, sniggering with each other about her, making her feel worthless,” one raged.

“Feel like luca & dami are using andrew’s feelings as an excuse to bully tasha,” fumed another.

Later on in the episode, Dami and Luca both apologised to Tasha.

Dami told her, “I do support you and Andrew,” before insisting, “I don’t want it to be like I’m ganging up on you. I actually want us to be friends.”

Meanwhile, Luca admitted he had been “out of line” and taken things too far, telling the model – who he previously pulled for chats before getting with Gemma Owen – “I do actually genuinely feel bad right now for what I said and I’m sorry.”

Fans, however, smelled a rat, arguing that the show’s producers must have put the boys up to it.

“Producers defo told luca and dami to appologise to tasha. Looked so staged,” one observed.

So The Mirror got body language expert Darren Stanton to take a look at Luca’s secret signals to decode his behaviour.

Speaking on behalf of MyBettingSites, he said Tasha’s devastation was patently obvious.

He explained: “It’s clear Tasha was deeply upset when Luca came over to apologise to her following his behaviour in the challenge.

“She was sitting in a crouched fetal position on the couch – a position someone would usually adopt to reassure themselves when they’re feeling sad or upset. They tend to make themselves as small as possible.”

But when it comes to Luca, Darren says that contrary to popular opinion, all the signs point to his apology being 100 percent genuine.

“Luca is obviously a confident guy and we saw that in his approach to Tasha. His body language towards her suggests he was being completely genuine when apologising to her,” Darren said.

“We can tell this through the use of his hands – when people use their hands as they speak, wagging or pointing their finger or moving their hands in unison to the points they are verbally saying, it suggests they are being sincere and mean what they say.

“If someone was passionate about a topic but the gestures they were making with their body were out of sync, then it shows they have no confidence in what they are saying. Luca’s hands, however, were moving in conjunction with the rhythm of the words he was saying which suggests he was speaking from the heart.”

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By Maelyn

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