Influencer marketing has emerged as one of the most impactful social media marketing techniques. With hundreds of influencers in almost every sector and field, it may be difficult to find appropriate influencers that accurately convey your brand’s message in a way that resonates with your target audience. Working with an influencer marketing agency can help you get the most out of your influencer marketing campaign, whether it’s for a short-term campaign or an always-on strategy.

As a result of various lockdown restrictions and stay-at-home orders, consumers are more digitally oriented than ever before. Many have begun investing in consumer technology that will help them stay connected in the online world.

In addition to this, consumers are spending more and more of their free time on social media. With seemingly endless new content, users can scroll for hours and, thanks to developed algorithms, be presented with new content they find valuable. Using influencer marketing can target consumers natively during their scrollathons, making the partnered content seem like authentic posts by their favourite influencers.

But what are the other reasons you should be using influencer marketing to make the most of a digitally-oriented consumer base?

One of the main benefits of influencer marketing is increasing your return on investment (ROI). For every $1 you invest in influencer marketing, your business can generate $6.50 in return. This means your ROI can be 650% or more; this is well worth the profit you receive.

Influencers have the potential to reach thousands of individuals, many of whom will be in your target market. As the number of people being exposed to your brand rises, so will your sales.

Another reason you should be using influencer marketing is because it uses one of the most influential marketing practices available: word of mouth.

Influencers are (or once were…) everyday people that share their opinion about products. This has the same impact on people as asking a family member or friend. That’s why over 40% of consumers nowadays are more likely to buy a product recommended by an influencer.

The ROI for influencer marketing compared to other digital and traditional marketing methods is what makes it stand out the most. Influencer marketing has an ROI 11x higher than other digital media.

Influencer marketing can humanise your brand and give you social proof. People find it hard to connect emotionally with branded accounts and content; if they are marketed to through an influencer, consumers are able to make an emotional connection because they are being communicated to through a real person they respect. Influencers provide social proof by showing you are culturally relevant within your niche and operating industry.

Influencer marketing is so beneficial to brands because there are so many genres of influencers available. Consumers have multiple interests nowadays, so brands aren’t limited to working with influencers just within their industry; they can expand their reach and use non-endemic influencers that operate within a niche relevant to their target audience. This also can help brands seem multifaceted and culturally relevant.

Social commerce has become an increasingly popular purchasing channel for consumers and brands alike. As platforms continue to develop their social commerce functions, influencers are becoming a more integral part of every brand’s social media strategy. Platforms such as TikTok and Instagram now offer influencers affiliate links and direct routes to promote products within their own content.

The development of social commerce has resulted in a seamless customer journey, right through from discovery to purchase. An easy buying journey, with a direct review and recommendation from an influencer, makes an incredibly compelling case to make a purchase.

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By Maelyn

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