There are multiple ways to protect your business from harmful hackers. However, many people assume that anti-virus software is enough to stop a hacker in their tracks. Unfortunately, hackers can hack into anti-virus software if you are not careful about your online activity. In 2020, 155.8 million people were exposed to data leaks. 

Data leaks consist of the exposure of sensitive information to a third party. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to prevent hacking. If you run a business, it’s your job to protect your company, employees, and clients’ information. Let’s go over everything you need to know about protecting yourself and your business against hackers. 


Hacking is the act in which an individual seeks to steal information from digital devices, such as computers, tablets, and phones. Hackers have various methods in which they use to hack their victims. They attempt to steal information through malware, phishing, or direct access to your device. Because hackers have different ways to hack into your device – it’s essential to stay vigilant about their potential advances. 


There are plenty of ways to prevent hacking, cyber-attacks, and data leaks. Be sure to implement these practices into your daily work routine and inform your employees to practice them as well. 


Phishing attempts are the most popular way for hackers to steal your information. The FBI reports that cybercriminals stole over $12 billion from companies in just five years. Phishing attempts disguise themselves as another entity to receive your information.

For example, they may email you like your bank and ask for your login information. It’s important to see the difference between a real email and a phishing attempt. Likewise, your employees must learn to tell the difference. Set up monthly meetings about phishing attempts and how to report them. 


Hackers can guess your passwords through advanced technology. Or, they may have received your passwords through a data leak. It would help if you actively changed your password multiple times a year. Also, make your passwords absolutely impossible to guess. Involve uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers. The longer and more random the password, the higher chance of security. Ask your employees to change their passwords every quarter to prevent as many password leaks as possible. 


More and more companies are introducing two-factor authentication to their systems. It typically requires your password and another method of logging in. Even if a hacker receives your password, the second authorization form blocks them from entering the program. The second factor usually requires the input of a code sent to your mobile device or through email. Ask your employees to sign up for two-factor authentication for their required systems. 


You can hire ethical hackers to help you find a weakness in your current security system. Companies like Cobalt offer Developer Pentesting Solutions who work with your company and hack into your systems. They then provide guidance and solutions to fix potential problems. Ethical hackers think like hackers but are on your side. Your company can significantly benefit from the help of an ethical hacker to stop other hackers in their tracks. 

Be sure to practice all of these methods in your business model. Keep your company, employees, and clients safe from potential cyber threats.

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